Friday, January 5, 2018

5 Crazy-Cheap Beauty Products I Really Like

I'm a single momma ...$

with two kids still at home ...$$

who are in college ...$$$

...and the girl is planning a wedding ...$$$$$.

SO...I have found some pretty amazingly inexpensive products to be life savers, or at least skin savers and lip savers. And here they are:

1. This salt bath soak.
It's amazing, and will cost you $5,
and last you six months most likely.

2. This stuff: careful...not all 
Burt's Bees are as silky and 
conditioning as Vanilla Bean.
Not waxy or sticky. $2.

3. That stuff too. Coconut oil...$3.99.
Use it on dry, winter, skin right after
a shower or bath.

4. My mom loved this stuff:'s not soap's a beauty bar, and won't dry 
your skin. $1.50.

5. Hydrate. 
I love coconut water. $4. 
You either love it, or you hate it.
If you hate it, just find something
hydrating that you like.

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